Wettbewerb für globale Nachhaltigkeit an baden-württembergischen Hochschulen

DigiSDG – A Digital Platform for Student Research and Activities towards the Sustainable Development Goals at Nürtingen-Geislingen University

Contact: Prof. Dr. Christian Arndt, Zentrum für nachhaltige Entwicklung an der HfWU, christian.arndt@hfwu.de

DigiSDG makes the first step towards a new digital platform at Nürtingen-Geislingen University (NGU) that aims to activate and inspire our national and international students to share their ideas, activities, research and innovations in the area of sustainable development.

The large challenges of our times, such as climate change, social justice, peace, migration and displacements or Artificial Intelligence all occur on a global scale. At NGU, we direct many of our programs, summer schools and activities towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Many of our projects happen in English language: this facilitates the dissemination of our results to a global audience, but unfortunately, most of our communication channels build on the German language. Therefore, DigiSDG closes the gap and will offer a platform to initiatives and research in English and helps to inform about projects, seminars, thesis topics, job opportunities, internships, competencies and events in the area of sustainability.

DigiSDG will be established and built over different steps: So far, it is embedded into the website of NGU’s Sustainability Center www.hfwu.de/ZNE. Over time it will grow, have more capabilities and will be filled with more content.

(c) HfWU